Sunday, March 4, 2012

When I'm Not Blogging...

Earlier this week I…

Missed my mom more than usual because she visited last week. It was a wonderful visit, even if my dog does like her more than the person who vaccinates and feeds him. I can’t blame him. That woman is an angel. 

Went outlet shopping. “This dress is ONLY $59.99?!; they’re giving away these pants at half the original price!” Marketing schemes. I’ve been brainwashed. 

Had the wind knocked out of me by my dog, who came at me like a bull in a china shop. 2.5 years in and I’m just learning he’s terrified of thunder. I gasped for air while contemplating getting rid of him, but decided against it when I remembered how many new people he’s led me to (pun intended).

Bought 2 bathing suits. I’m not the girl who buys bathing suits in February, don’t know what happened there. Still trying to figure out why such little material costs more than most full-bodied outfits. 

Started back at crossfit after more than a week off.  On Mon the heaviest thing I’d lifted in 7 days were shopping bags. Been paying the piper ever since. Tuesday AM I couldn’t lift my arms above my head and I’m confident I was bleeding internally when I left the gym Wednesday. I hate feeling so weak. Oh well, it is what it is and I’m back to normal excruciating levels of muscle pain now, thank you Jesus.  

Went to a women’s bible study with some amazing people I’ve met through a young adult class I’ve been going to at church. I love that class and the girls who go to bible study, but, being completely honest, I don't know my bible well, so I was hesitant. I’m glad I went. Started a good lesson, always a good time with those girls, and no one called on me. Win-win. 

Attended a 6am meeting centered around sexual harassment. Began by introducing ourselves. Too many (30) minutes later I was irate that I could have showed up late and not missed anything other than head counting the number of people in the room I’d like to sexually harass (a pitiful 2) while they introduced themselves. Talk about counter-productive.  

Switched up girls night from dining out to the apartment. Good conversation kept us up until 1 am the night before said 6 am meeting. Could have gone on for hours or until the beer ran out anyway, but I freaked out seeing I was going to have 4 hours of sleep. Good times.

Finally got Blue Moon’s spring seasonal. Not surprising, it’s awesome. Hardest decision I’ve been making lately is if I want that or Sam Adam’s Dig. First world problem, anyone?

Held a newborn who slept the whole time and looked like an angel. She cradled perfectly into the nook of my arm and gave me baby fever. It’s very important that her mother call me to come back over when she’s crying/spitting up/shitting her pants so I can get over it.

Started another David Sedaris book, probably his most popular one, 'Naked'. His books are quick and make me snort while I laugh out loud.  If you listen to NPR you have probably heard some of his stories. 

Celebrated National Peanut Butter Lover’s day (march 1) by doing what I do every day – eating an absurd amount of it. 

Finished my taxes. They should hand out little blue pills with W2s. Even though I already knew the gov’t takes a solid 1/3 of my check, seeing that big lump sum of what could’ve been set me back emotionally. Oh, gross pay, if only, if only… 

Made cookies. I’ve been on a baking hiatus. Short of other people’s birthdays I haven’t been the little baker I once was. I had a sleeve of biscoff cookies and found this recipe. They were amazing. I really wanted to make myself sick off of them for old times’ sake, but unfortunately they were already promised to someone else.

Playing now: Ragged Wood - Fleet Foxes